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InvenTree Demo

Want to take InvenTree for a spin? A working demo of InvenTree is available online at

Login Details

Multiple default accounts are provided, as detailed below. Each account is afforded a different set of permissions, so users can see the InvenTree roles/permission system in action

allaccessnolimitsView / create / edit all pages and itemslog in
readerreadonlyCan view all pages but cannot create, edit or delete database recordslog in
engineerpartsonlyCan manage parts, view stock, but no access to purchase orders or sales orderslog in
admininventreeSuperuser account, access all areas plus administrator actionslog in

Data Persistence

The InvenTree demo database resets to a known state once per day.

  • Database records are reset to the latest state of the demo dataset
  • InvenTree software is kept up to date with the latest master branch, using the inventree docker image
Update Period

During the update period, the demo server may be inaccessible for a few minutes.